About one in four people will experience hives at some point in their lives. Hives are itchy, red or white bumps, welts, or patches on the skin. The medical term for hives is urticaria. Most cases of acute, or short-term, hives are due to allergies. However, chronic hives that last for a long time, for months or even over a year, might be due to other factors. Here is what you need to know about chronic hives.
Causes of Chronic Hives
Most of the time, the cause of chronic hives is not known. Only a small percentage of cases of chronic hives are due to an identifiable allergy. While there is testing that can be done to discover the cause, such testing can be inconclusive and very expensive. For most cases of chronic hives, the best treatment is to provide a relief of symptoms rather than a cure for the cause. [Read More]