In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist at St. Mary’s Hospital, stumbled upon a mold called Penicillium notatum, and the world would never be the same. With an unbelievable ability to prevent the growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus, its discovery was an invaluable gift to the medical community – helping to cure hordes of people […]
Why Are Mold Allergies on the Rise in Tampa?
According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the most recent pollen and mold report for Tampa, Florida, shows a very high concentration of mold, with a presence of all of the top three species of mold: ascospores, basidiospores, and smuts/myxomycetes. These three strains all share one common factor – they’re hazardous to […]
Sinusitis Versus Allergic Rhinitis
Allergic rhinitis and sinusitis may sound similar, and in fact, they share some characteristics, but the two conditions have a distinct set of causes and symptoms. After you learn a bit about the differences between sinusitis and allergic rhinitis, talk with your allergist to confirm what’s troubling your nasal passages sinuses, and together you can […]
Ten Questions To Ask Your Allergist About Asthma
Sure, experiencing breathing problems can be a bit of a hurdle. But, look at it this way – hurdles are meant to be jumped over. Asthma doesn’t have to stop you from living an active, healthy life. But, controlling your asthma means working with your doctor to identify the triggers behind asthma attacks and then […]
Common Florida Allergies
An allergy is the body’s reaction to a substance, like pet dander, mold, certain foods, vermin debris, some medications, or pollen. Antibodies mistakenly identify the protein in the allergen as an invading enemy and take defensive action. The reaction can be mild and temporary, or severe enough to need medications or even a trip to the emergency […]